7 Wonders: Babel Expansion

Regular price $42.99 $42.99

DiceGame Overview

Construct the magnificent tower of Babel and erect Great Projects around it with 7 Wonders: Babel. This expansion offers two ways to shape your game of 7 Wonders, which can be played separately or together. One invites players to contribute to building Babel even as they develop their own cities. As it reaches towards the sky, the tower of Babel affects all the commerce, war, science, and other affairs of nearby cities. The other variant enables players to undertake Great Projects, which offer incredible rewards for those who complete them and disastrous penalties for those who fail in the attempt.

BoxWhat's In The Box
  • One Babel board
  • 24 Babel tiles
  • Fifteen Great Project cards
  • Ten Participation tokens
  • 166 coins, Conflict, and other tokens
  • One scorebook
  • One rulebook and one help sheet
NotepadGame Details
  • 2014 - Golden Geek Best Board Game Expansion Winner
  • Base GameBase Game
    7 Wonders - Front
    Regular price $49.99
    Timeline: Historical Events - Front
    Timeline: Historical Events
    Regular price$14.99

    7 Wonders: Babel Expansion

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